I really admire Sebastian Salgado‘s work because he allows people to see with his eyes, I mean, with his photographs. His photographs not only display images; but also they depict feelings, ideas, questions, suggestions and many other things.

Resultado de imagen de SEBASTIAO SALGADO

I saw the top photograph 30 years ago or so. I haven’t forgotten it since then.

The bottom picture is also really powerful.

Resultado de imagen de SEBASTIAO SALGADO

What can you learn from those images? What can you teach by using them?

Is there anything that should we learn or teach?

How can you use these images to promote dignity, hope, and courage?

How can you transform cruelty into compassion?

Dignity deals with developing the best of yourself to promote the best of others.


¿BELLEZA Y LIBERTAD? beauty and freedom?


¿Por qué admirar la belleza que contiene la vida me hace sentir más libre? ¿Por qué sentirme más libre me anima a admirar la belleza que contiene la vida?

¿Aprender a amar la vida estará relacionado con reivindicar la belleza y la libertad en nuestro quehacer diario?

¿Qué puedo decir yo de la belleza?

1. ¿Tal vez, que lo bello es algo diferente a lo que me imponen las modas basadas en el consumismo, con comprar y vender?

2. ¿Tal vez, que lo bello es algo diferente a lo que llamamos bonito o decorativo?

3. ¿Tal vez, que lo bello tiene un matiz que me hace participar de una experiencia íntima, irrepetible, singular o especial?

4. ¿Tal vez, que en lo bello reconozco maestría, perfección, genialidad, grandeza?

5. ¿Tal vez, que lo bello me impacta o me sobrecoge, produciéndome una admiración, seducción o encantamiento que no me deja indiferente?

6. ¿Tal vez, que nos conecta momentáneamente con lo que anhelamos o deseamos?

7. ¿Tal vez, que nos engrandece, nos dignifica su presencia?

8. ¿Tal vez, que nos enseña que la vida merece ser vivida, pese a sus dificultades?

9. ¿Tal vez, qué nos muestra qué es bello y qué no y, por tanto, nos mueve a replantearnos críticamente todo lo que somos y nos rodea?

10. ¿Tal vez, que nos muestra la brevedad, lo desgarradoramente efímero, fugaz, del enorme privilegio que tenemos de estar vivos?

11. ¿Tal vez, que nos enseña a amar, a sacrificarnos, a luchar, a ser libres, a tener respeto en la búsqueda de lo que anhelamos?

12. ¿Tal vez, que nos muestra que somos creadores, y que nos podemos recrear a nosotros mismos?

Sebastian Salgado, puede enseñarnos algo sobre la belleza 


Echa un vistazo a:

Escucha a Ennio Morricone: LA MISIÓN. Esto sí es belleza.


GREGORY COLBERT: Flying Elephants Productions Presents «Ashes and Snow»

¿Qué puedes aportar tú, como lo hace Sebastian Salgado y Ennio Morricone, para mostrarnos la belleza del mundo?



Poverty, wars, pollution, slavery, unemployment, hunger, illnesses…

Resultado de imagen de hunger

Resultado de imagen de war

I invite you to think about it. Make a list of the 10 worst problems in the world. Do it in groups and, later talk about it all the groups together in the classroom. I suggest you to use the following website to introduce this subject to students:

Write on Google browser: «The 10 most critical problems in the world, according to millennials».

This website offers many images and a little information.


At present, scientific and technological progress is connected to an irrational and irresponsible consumerism. Let’s think about it.

I invite you to watch this first video called: «Plastic pollution, Our Oceans, Our future…»


This second video deals with pollution and destruction of the environment. Life on earth is in danger: Species are going extinct at alarming rates, rain forests and coral reefs are disappearing, pollution is haunting the entire planet and global temperatures are rising at unprecedented levels.

Ethics move us to think about our real possibilities to transform our world into a better place for all.

Resultado de imagen de pollution

Imagen relacionada

Do you know any ONG which works to defend environment?

Resultado de imagen de greenpeace


Laws are really important for you. Your life depends on laws, they are everywhere.

In the following video: Exploring Communities, Rules, and laws, you will become aware of your law dependence.

The second and third videos deal with Human Rights.

Finally, this last video is about our rights and responsibilities, enjoy it!


Enjoy the coming videos about ethics and morality. The first: «Integrating Ethics: What is Ethics? Explains the meaning of these concepts.

The second video: «What are values», pays attention to ethical values.

In my opinion, the most important thing about Ethics is it should be used to improve your lives, to help you to be happy and good people.

What about this video, what is the relation between what it shows and ethics?

It is great, isn’t it?

Resultado de imagen de ethics

Resultado de imagen de ethics


Let’s watch the following videos so as to understand the process of socialization a bit better. First, you can watch the work of kate Marshall: «Agents Of Socialization»


Second, let’s pay attention to the mass media with the video offered by Erik Velasco:

Can The Internet manipulate us? 


Our main similarity is we are exclusive and different from each other. It is a great natural and cultural chance to be happy, however, on many occasions, we use it as a way to increase suffering and misery.

In the following video, some groups of people share similarities that they didn’t know they had in common (TV 2 | All That We Share. TV 2 Danmark) We live in a time where we quickly put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in common than what we think? Introducing All That We Share. The English version.


We Are All Different – and THAT’S AWESOME!

| Cole Blakeway | TEDxWestVancouverED


Estudiar en el extranjero: ¿cuál es la mejor edad para que vayan ...

We are all equal beacuse we are all different, we all share the same human rights.

Comunidad Educa Libre Oaxaca: ¿Por qué se celebra en México el día ...


The video I invite you to watch is called: «FairPhone: Binging Ethics To Western Technolgy». It is about all these things: ethics, business and science. In the Western world we are constantly surrounded by technology and everyday there’s something new. We often feel the need to keep up with the latest gadgets and cell phones, but in order for us to live these lifestyles, people in other parts of the world are paying the price.

Let’s use technology as a mean or tool for human development, not the other way round: people as a tool or slaves to develop the technologic industry.


Wars are the main cause of misery and poverty. Let’s struggle with work, education, ethics against wars.

I invite you to watch the following video displayed by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Conflicts and persecution caused global forced displacement to escalate sharply in 2015, reaching the highest level ever recorded.
UNHCR’s annual Global Trends Report said 65.3 million people were displaced as of the end of 2015

You know many people work to change the world into something better. We need hope, and you are our hope. Your education will be a tool which will enable you to improve our world into something better, with few wars or without wars.

In this video, Kal Raustiala explains what International Law is. In a time of globalization, International Law rules relations between countries. If we work on International Law we have a great chance to transform the world into a better place.

 Resultado de imagen de medicos sin fronterasResultado de imagen de cruz roja y media luna roja internacional

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