Wars are the main cause of misery and poverty. Let’s struggle with work, education, ethics against wars.

I invite you to watch the following video displayed by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Conflicts and persecution caused global forced displacement to escalate sharply in 2015, reaching the highest level ever recorded.
UNHCR’s annual Global Trends Report said 65.3 million people were displaced as of the end of 2015

You know many people work to change the world into something better. We need hope, and you are our hope. Your education will be a tool which will enable you to improve our world into something better, with few wars or without wars.

In this video, Kal Raustiala explains what International Law is. In a time of globalization, International Law rules relations between countries. If we work on International Law we have a great chance to transform the world into a better place.

 Resultado de imagen de medicos sin fronterasResultado de imagen de cruz roja y media luna roja internacional

Resultado de imagen de payasos sin fronteras

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