Resultado de imagen de silence and beauty

We could say that spirituality has to do with both sides of human nature, first, with human transcendence, I mean, with becoming aware that our individual essence is raised on the reality that connects us with others, with the universe, and with God; and, secondly, spirituality also deals with the personal activity of making our individual foundations of what we consider our identity, our essence as human beings with unique personality. In both cases, silence is a necessary tool to promote our spirituality.

In my opinion, silence is an indispensable element to promote spirituality.

The present way of living hinders the use of silence in education and in our lives.  We need to learn how to promote silence in our education and in our daily life.

People are not educated to search answers to questions like:

What are the most important things in our lives? What is the meaning of my life? Why does dignity involve compassion?

To reflect the most important things we need to find isolated places and silence.

We are surrounded by noise. When we are alone, we are usually reading, listening music, using the mobile and the computer, doing and thinking things that we have to do and all this noise and activities prevent us from being still and in silence.

I believe that lack of silence is related to lack of individual personality, alienation of our exclusivity as human beings, destruction of our dignity, etc.

I think we need to reject many traditions that in the past were identified as spiritual ones; however, we need to recover silence.

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